Thursday, November 8, 2012

While The Pigs Get Fat The Hogs Get Slaughtered

According to Saporta Report, it appears financial-backer of Kasim Reed, Mack Wilbourn, has been “too successful” to continue to participate in government set-aside programs. 

The irony?  The program worked as it was supposed to.

Now Mack and Dan Halpern, another concessionaire in trouble with the FAA, are putting the program at risk for other minority-owned companies.

Wilbourn has been a concessionaire at the Atlanta airport, and other airports, for decades.  He has participated in a program that was designed to help minority-owned companies become more established and successful.   ,

It seems that unlike HJ Russell (an airport concessionaire who is also African-American), Wilbourn has been unwilling to get out of the public trough.  Wilbourn, like Russell, had the ability and capacity to compete head-to-head with the big companies but he chose not to go that route.  Russell competed and won.  Now Wilbourn is poised to lose it all.  According to Sparort Report, he’ll find out next month.

Next up to bat with the FAA:  Daniel Halpern, Kasim Reed’s campaign chairman.  Daniel has to defend his contracts with the Atlanta airport on two fronts. 

First Daniel has to explain why his partners, Valerie Jackson and Brooke Jackson, should continue to be considered “economically disadvantaged” even though their personal wealth was too high (like Wilbourn’s) to make the program standards.

Secondly, and more complicated for Daniel, will be his own status.  It seems Daniel has a problem with his identity.  It‘s been reported that Daniel has fraudulently described himself as a member of a protected minority class: Native American.  Daniel is not a Native American.  

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