Here are numbers 8-10:
Reason Number 8: “Hell Hath No Fury…”
last three years have introduced Atlanta’s City Hall Observers to Kasim Reed’s
relationships with Ms. Langford, Ms. Whittaker, and Ms. Rohadfox.
For different
reasons, each of these associations is volatile and likely mean sleepless
nights for Reed, as he worries about what happens when the details (sometimes sordid)
are made public.
Atlantans learned this past week something more precarious about the Bachelor-In-Chief’s peccadilloes. The greatest danger to Reed’s reelection may come not from those
he has kept close but rather from those he’s “cut off.”
Reed has already seen the short-term impact from someone he has, proverbially, kicked to the curb, notably the so-called “The Booty Bundler,” Stacii
Jae Johnson.
driving a high-priced, white “loaner” Porsche on the 75/85 Connector in late August,
The Booty Bundler was arrested for DUI, resisting arrest, and a variety of
other infractions.
It’s still undisclosed who “loaned” the vehicle or why the vehicle was "loaned" to the mayor’s “Entertainment Director.”
Before last month’s brush with the law, Jae was best known for “bundling”
fund-raising checks for politicians and for staring in a “stripper” video;
hence the nickname, “The Booty Bundler.”
Now, that would be bad enough under any
circumstance. But...
In DC, Ms. Jae is referred to as “Obama’s Booty Bundler” because
she was bundling campaign contributions for Obama’s reelection campaign while
working for Reed (see the
story here).
DC headlines certainly contributed to the stiffing (in a manner of speaking) Reed
got from the President’s reelection campaign when it barred him from the podium
in Charlotte during the Democratic Party’s nominating convention. Reed is the first
Atlanta mayor in nearly 40 years not to address the Democratic National
but it gets worse for Reed…
Atlanta’s own “TMZ-styled” celebrity gossip web
site, Lipstick Alley, reported that The Booty Bundler is gaining revenge on
her former boss, presumably because Reed did not protect her from arrest or
According to the web site:
“(Kasim Reed) is sleeping with like 4 chicks in his cabinet and they all think he is going wife them. Staci Jae was at a party saying she had the Mayor in check and then drove drunk and was forced to resign, His communications director divorced her husband as did Jovita Moore. He has them trained like a ****.”
while Kasim has to keep an eye on the relationships he maintains, he also has
to worry about those relationships he has disposed of.
Reason Number 9: Atlanta
Workforce Development Agency
Reed was repeatedly
funneling campaign supporters and “politically connected” dreck (including
relatives of city council members) to AWDA for “no show” jobs.
All Hell broke loose
when the professional staff tried to push back on the questionable allocation
of federal grant dollars.
In turn, Reed’s chief of staff, Candace Byrd,
blew up during a cabinet meeting and publically humiliated the highly regarded executive
of AWDA. The AWDA executive was ostensibly suspended for granted a routine
media interview but it was made clear to everyone in the meeting that if anyone
refused to “play ball” they too would suffer retaliation. Watch
this video
Reason Number 10: ”Atlanta Public Schools”
Reed will try to run from this disaster but any viable candidate
will place APS at his feet.
As the largest cheating scandal in American history unfolded, Reed
stood with Beverley Hall and IN
OPPOSITION TO the board members who were challenging Hall’s policies
and strategies.
Reed publically defended Beverley Hall and POLITICALLY
DESTROYED the greenhorn board chairman who singlehandedly stood
up to Hall.
Watch this speech and know that the “who” being discussed
is a direct reference to Kasim Reed. Reed will not be able to run from
this. Watch
This Video
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