Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kasim Reed Tugs On Our Pocketbooks

Yesterday, Saporta Report revealed that Atlanta’s water rates are the highest in the country

Today’s edition of the AJC reports, “Thousands of city of Atlanta water customers had defective meters that caused them to pay too much for several years.”

Rolling into re-election, mismanagement of pocketbook issues is a hellava hill to climb.

** Oh, Kasim, the next time you jump on a plane to raise money for the Democratic Party, another politician, President Obama’s reelection or to sit on the set of “Meet the Press,” “The Ed Show,” or something else, keep in mind that the citizens are paying attention to your missteps back home

…and they’re still laughing at you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kasim Reed’s 10 Steps To “Office for Life”

In yesterday’s (9/24/12) Peach Pundit, one analyst opined, 

“… Kasim Reed is stuck. He can’t run for Governor. He’d lose. He can’t run for U.S. Senate. He’d lose. So where does this new national exposure get him except maybe a plum post in the Obama Administration that, at best, lasts four years.”

Well, that’s part of the story, certainly.

When answering the question, What’s next for Kasim? It's said that June Reed, Kasim's father, likes to offer up a particularly pungent gruel and each time the elder Reed speaks of his son’s White House plans, I simply find it to be a bit too much.

The “junior” Reed has his eye on higher office and Peach Pundit’s analysis opens the door for Rest Of The Story.

Here’s a take on the rough plan Kasim Reed has shared with close associates.

Step 1: Avoid Indictment

Kasim just won’t look good in an orange jump suit. If by chance Reed avoids Federal indictment – we’ll likely know after the national election – then he’ll have nothing but daylight between himself and being elected to office for life.

Step 2: Generate Campaign Cash

A recent AJC headline boomed, “With $1 Million In Bank, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed Says Fundraising Just Getting Started.” Reed has raised cash faster than any Atlanta incumbent in recent memory and you can’t get mad at him for showing his fundraising prowess – especially once you understand the larger plan he shares with intimates.

Step 3: Raise Money For Obama’s Re-Election

To position himself for an appointment in a second Obama term, Reed has spent the last several months traveling around the nation working backrooms and raising money for the Democratic Party and Obama’s reelection (see donations made to the various campaign committees by those who do work in the city).

Also, known as one of Obama’s top fundraising bundlers, Dan Halpern (Reed’s campaign chairman) is opening checkbooks for Obama’s reelection. The “Halpern / Reed” or “Reed / Halpern” partnership (the order of the names depends on who you ask) has been tense at times recently but “blood oaths” are “blood oaths.”

Step 4: Get a Domestic Cabinet Appointment

Reed’s labors and the efforts of others will help to position Reed for a domestic appointment, think Department of Commerce. Reed sees himself playing the same role Ron Brown and Mickey Kantor played in Bill Clinton’s administrations.

Step 5: Hand-Pick Mayoral Successor

Here’s where it starts to get particularly insidious.

If the Obama Cabinet appointment is timed properly, Reed will have the opportunity to hand-pick his successor. If Reed is permitted by Obama to resign as mayor at the right time (see the Atlanta City Charter), then a special city election will be avoided.

Step 6: Hold-On to Campaign Cash

If Reed can avoid a reelection campaign AND hand-pick his successor then he’ll leave for Washington with a boatload of campaign cash sitting in the bank.

Step 7: Build A Political Machine

Reed’s unspent campaign cash and his hand-selected successor are all the makings of a strong political machine. A politically weak but seemingly competent successor (think Jimmy Hoffa’s successor, Frank Fitzsimmons) will provide the Reed with the opportunity to build and broaden a political machine.

Step 8: Wait Out Lewis

Despite serving as a onetime staff member to the respected Congressman John Lewis, the mutually held enmity is widely discussed in “quiet spaces” around Atlanta.

Step 9: Return To Run For Congress

Let’s face it, at 72 Congressman Lewis has only a few more re-election campaigns before he retires. At the opportune time (a/k/a 2016), Reed will return to Atlanta to run for Congress. He will be well-funded and a successful, uneventful tenure as a cabinet officer in hand.

Step 10: Office For Life

In 2016, Reed will be young enough to count on at least 25 years in office. Moreover, by then several protégés will have served as mayor of Atlanta. With the predicted demographic changes in Georgia, it’s impossible to anticipate Reed’s statewide appeal in 15 years.

Now, I find all of it too wild to imagine but this is what’s happening in Kasim-land, USA.

Reed Reaps Wrath

Peach Pundit readers got it about as right as it can get got. The analysis below is consistent with talk around the hallowed halls of Trinity Street. In a later post I’ll provide the proverbial Rest of the Story.

But first, this is from today's Peach Pundit:
Kasim Reed may play a partisan attack dog on national television, but how does that get him anywhere here in Georgia? 
Reed’s Meet the (de)press appearances are simply racking up videotape footage for his opponents to use against him in the next election. 
In fact, some could argue that Kasim Reed’s national aspirations are causing him to lose touch with the voters back home. After all, Reed supported a T-SPLOST referendum that went down in flames. He’s pledged to veto a panhandling ordinance that passed the Atlanta City Council; an ordinance that is widely recognized as needed to put a stop to aggressive panhandlers. And we won’t even start on the college students who remain targets of crime in Kasim Reed’s Atlanta. 
The point is Kasim Reed is stuck. 
He can’t run for Governor. He’d lose. He can’t run for U.S. Senate. He’d lose. So where does this new national exposure get him except maybe a plum post in the Obama Administration that, at best, lasts four years.
This is consistent with the talk downtown but the Analyst doesn't delve into the practical implications of Reed's comedy hour.  I'll get into that in a later post.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kasim Reed vs. “Our Tax Dollars”

Am I the only one that finds Reed’s actions offensive?  Click to see the video

I understand the City has to defend itself when sued but I am offended to learn that the city has more than doubled the amount of tax dollars spent on outside law firms simply because Reed doesn’t want to comply with Georgia’s “Open Record” law.

Protect the City, yes. Protect Reed’s friends, no!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kasim Reed Mysteriously Tacks To The Political Right

According to today’s Daily Beast, Kasim Reed is likely to continue his efforts to align with Georgia Republicans and others on the political Right by squaring-off with Atlanta’s employee unions. 

Reed’s apparent opposition to employee unions will likely improve plans for statewide office but will likely present a challenge for him in next year’s reelection campaign. 

Last month, Reed was prohibited from speaking at the Democratic National Convention. Speculation about why Kasim Reed was relegated to the Charlotte bleachers centers on a variety of reasons, including his fierce opposition to core Democratic Party orthodoxies like marriage equality and women’s health. 

Opposition to employee unions may have contributed making Kasim Reed the first Atlanta mayor since Jim Crow era barred from speaking and assigned to the cheap seats while a Democratic president was nominated.

Tack right, tack right, and tack right.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kasim Reed: Trippin’ Over The Truth

This past June Kasim Reed crowed that he had “Completely eradicated the backlog of over 5,500 code complaint violations….” 

Three months after his public proclamation, the online media outlet, East Atlanta Patch, asks its readers, “Are you tired of tripping over broken sidewalks?” See East Atlanta Patch's Story.

Either Kasim Reed was dishonest in June about “Completely eradicated the backlog of over 5,500 code complaint violations” or Atlantans only recently started tripping over broken sidewalks.

What’s your guess about who is being honest?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Analysis: Kasim Reed' s Incompetence, Large War Chest Means Atlanta’s Election Will Be Short, Ugly

Kasim Reed became mayor of Atlanta by the slimmest margin in memory. Today Reed sits behind the mayoral desk with a great burden.

As an entertainment attorney and political operative, Reed lacks any business familiarity and his lack of management experience has meant systemic fissures for his administration, in spite of his occasional appearance on “Meet the Press.” 

Since barely edging through the doors of the mayor’s office (Reed won his run-off election by 700 votes), he’s likely been haunted by the legacies of larger than life personalities that proceeded him (Maynard Jackson, Andy Young, and Shirley Franklin), each of whom enjoyed numerous business and civic accomplishment before being elected mayor of Atlanta.
To counter any natural opposition to his re-election, Reed’s strategy has been a fundraising machine. According to City Hall insiders, Reed’s strategy is to scare off any viable opponents with a large war chest. 

To a point, this will work. Viable candidates are unwilling to fight a war of attrition with him because Reed is too willing to jump in the gutter and has too much money. However, Reed is too vulnerable to simply walk into a second term.

That said, a short, ugly campaign against Reed is most likely. Reed is burdened with too many volatile issues and too many critical mistakes to explain away over a short campaign.

That said, I expect a late-entry candidate to take Reed on and to call on him to explain and account for his term in office.

As a reminder, Reed’s Re-Election Strategy has been laid out for the public to view. 

When most people here the phrase “the three Rs” they are reminded of the foundations of a basic skills-orientated education program within schools: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. For Kasim Reed, however, the three Rs means “Ratings, Relationships and Reserves.”

1. Ratings = “High Poll Ratings”
2. Relationships = “National and local relationships with people who can get things done (a la Gov. Deal)
3. Reserves = “Money in the campaign coffers and in the city’s rainy day fund”

Reed spent the better part of his first term developing each of these and hyping and flaunting his progress as often as possible. But all of that won’t matter if he cannot pull himself out of the hole he’s in. 

His approval rates continue to fall (recent survey of Atlanta voters found his approval well below 50% - below 40% in precincts on Atlanta’s north side). The principal reason for his lagging poll numbers is the ongoing controversies at the airport and high crime rates.

Evidence that he is losing the “Relationship” fight is the huge disappointment he faced while in Charlotte for the Democratic National Convention. For the first time in 40 years, Atlanta’s CEO did not speak at the national convention. Kasim Reed is the first Mayor of Atlanta to be snubbed by his party since the “Jim Crow” era. 

It’s going to be a memorable election next year. Reed has raised a lot of money but it’s unclear whether that will be enough.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Top Ten Signs It’s Time For Kasim Reed To Give Up Hope (Reasons 8-10)

Over the next few weeks, I will offer a running list of my TOP 10 REASONS why Kasim Reed should give up trying to be re-elected. If Reed faces A FORMIDABLE OPPONENT, each of my Top 10 Reasons will be central questions to Reed’s re-election.

Here are numbers 8-10:

Reason Number 8: Hell Hath No Fury…

The last three years have introduced Atlanta’s City Hall Observers to Kasim Reed’s relationships with Ms. Langford, Ms. Whittaker, and Ms. Rohadfox. 

For different reasons, each of these associations is volatile and likely mean sleepless nights for Reed, as he worries about what happens when the details (sometimes sordid) are made public.

But Atlantans learned this past week something more precarious about the Bachelor-In-Chief’s peccadilloes. The greatest danger to Reed’s reelection may come not from those he has kept close but rather from those he’s “cut off.”

Reed has already seen the short-term impact from someone he has, proverbially, kicked to the curb, notably the so-called “The Booty Bundler,” Stacii Jae Johnson.

While driving a high-priced, white “loaner” Porsche on the 75/85 Connector in late August, The Booty Bundler was arrested for DUI, resisting arrest, and a variety of other infractions. 

It’s still undisclosed who “loaned” the vehicle or why the vehicle was "loaned" to the mayor’s “Entertainment Director.”

Before last month’s brush with the law, Jae was best known for “bundling” fund-raising checks for politicians and for staring in a “stripper” video; hence the nickname, “The Booty Bundler.”

Now, that would be bad enough under any circumstance. But... 

In DC, Ms. Jae is referred to as “Obama’s Booty Bundler” because she was bundling campaign contributions for Obama’s reelection campaign while working for Reed (see the story here).

These DC headlines certainly contributed to the stiffing (in a manner of speaking) Reed got from the President’s reelection campaign when it barred him from the podium in Charlotte during the Democratic Party’s nominating convention. Reed is the first Atlanta mayor in nearly 40 years not to address the Democratic National Convention.

Oh, but it gets worse for Reed…

Atlanta’s own “TMZ-styled” celebrity gossip web site, Lipstick Alley, reported that The Booty Bundler is gaining revenge on her former boss, presumably because Reed did not protect her from arrest or termination.

According to the web site: 
“(Kasim Reed) is sleeping with like 4 chicks in his cabinet and they all think he is going wife them. Staci Jae was at a party saying she had the Mayor in check and then drove drunk and was forced to resign, His communications director divorced her husband as did Jovita Moore. He has them trained like a ****.”
So while Kasim has to keep an eye on the relationships he maintains, he also has to worry about those relationships he has disposed of.

Reason Number 9: Atlanta Workforce Development Agency

Reed was repeatedly funneling campaign supporters and “politically connected” dreck (including relatives of city council members) to AWDA for “no show” jobs.

All Hell broke loose when the professional staff tried to push back on the questionable allocation of federal grant dollars.

In turn, Reed’s chief of staff, Candace Byrd, blew up during a cabinet meeting and publically humiliated the highly regarded executive of AWDA. The AWDA executive was ostensibly suspended for granted a routine media interview but it was made clear to everyone in the meeting that if anyone refused to “play ball” they too would suffer retaliation. Watch this video

Reason Number 10: ”Atlanta Public Schools

Reed will try to run from this disaster but any viable candidate will place APS at his feet.
As the largest cheating scandal in American history unfolded, Reed stood with Beverley Hall and IN OPPOSITION TO the board members who were challenging Hall’s policies and strategies.

Reed publically defended Beverley Hall and POLITICALLY DESTROYED the greenhorn board chairman who singlehandedly stood up to Hall.

Watch this speech and know that the “who” being discussed is a direct reference to Kasim Reed. Reed will not be able to run from this. Watch This Video

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kasim Reed’s Leadership Priorities

All hats are off and heads are bowing this morning for Kasim Reed’s decision to forgo public safety; taxes; transportation needs; affordable housing; neighborhood rebuilding; increased water rates; and all the other follies and irrationalities facing the city.

Kasim Reed is proposing Atlanta demolish the 20-year Georgia Dome to build a new billion-dollar plus stadium while a full 67% of Atlanta citizens oppose building the $ $1.2 billion retractable-roofed stadium.

Oh, by the way Reed is proposing the public contribute a mere $580 million. Read the story here.

Let them eat cake!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Kasim Reed and The Little Lady

Daniel Halpern
It seems Kasim Reed and Daniel Halpern (Reed’s Campaign Chairman, Mega-winner of Airport concessions, and FAA-document-falsifier) have been trying for nearly a year to stare down Dr. Renee L. Glover who has been called Atlanta’s “Quiet Heroine.”

When he is not being accused of falsifying federal documents, Halpern is Reed’s chairman of Atlanta Housing Authority's board of directors. Last year it was widely reported that Reed sent Halpern to AHA with expressed orders to unseat Glover.

However, today Atlanta Progressive News (APN) reports:

“APN broke the story several months ago that Glover would be leaving AHA; the next day AHA submitted a press release regarding Glover’s pending departure. However, to date, Glover has not left the agency, and it is widely believed that is in part because the Board of Commissioners and Glover could not agree on a severance package with respect to Glover’s five-year contract with AHA.”

Dang, fellas. You look really stupid.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Top Ten Signs It’s Time For Kasim Reed To Give Up Hope (Reasons 9-10)

Over the next few weeks, I will offer a running list of my TOP 10 REASONS why Kasim Reed should give up trying to be re-elected. If Reed faces A FORMIDABLE OPPONENT, each of my Top 10 Reasons will be central questions to Reed’s re-election.

Reason Number 9: "Atlanta Workforce Development Agency"

During the first several months of his administration, Reed funneled campaign supporters and “politically connected” dreck (including relatives of city council members) to Atlanta Workforce Development Agency for “no show” jobs.

All hell broke loose when the professional staff pushed back on the questionable allocation of federal grant dollars.

In turn, Reed’s chief of staff, Candace Byrd, blew up during a cabinet meeting and publically humiliated the highly regarded executive of AWDA. The AWDA executive was ostensibly suspended for granted a routine media interview but it was made clear to everyone in the meeting that if anyone refused to “play ball” they too would suffer retaliation.  Watch this video

Reason Number 10: ”Atlanta Public Schools

Reed will try to run from this disaster but any viable candidate will place APS at his feet.

As the largest cheating scandal in American history unfolded, Reed stood with Beverley Hall and IN OPPOSITION TO the board members who were challenging Hall’s policies and strategies.

Reed publically defended Beverley Hall and POLITICALLY DESTROYED the greenhorn board chairman who singlehandedly stood up to Hall.

Watch this speech and know that the “who” being discussed is a direct reference to Kasim Reed. Reed will not be able to run from this. Watch This Video

Is Kasim Reed Suppressing An Inner “Kardashian?”

Atlanta’s own “TMZ-styled” celebrity gossip web site, Lipstick Alley, is reporting that recently defamed and freshly fired Kasim Reed aide, Stacii Jae Johnson (A/K/A "The Booty Bundler") is getting revenge on her former boss presumably because Reed did not protect her when she was arrested for DUI:

“(Kasim Reed) is sleeping with like 4 chicks in his cabinet and they all think he is going wife them. Staci Jae was at a party saying she had the Mayor in check and then drove drunk and was forced to resign, His communications director divorced her husband as did Jovita Moore. He has them trained like a ****.”

Click here to See the web site story

Last month Jae was arrested for DUI, resisting arrest and a variety of other infractions. Jae was also highlighted earlier this year staring in a “stripper” video.  See this background story.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Update: Kasim Reed Steps In ‘It’ Again. Lawsuit On Its Way

Reed’s ham-fisted city management will result in additional payouts from the city coffers. So far, Reed is refusing to explain his decision to fire three veteran airport officials for political reasons, despite glowing performance reviews and highly effective performance. 

Only last week the city coughed up more than $130,000 in a separate wrongful termination case.

This story seems to be picking up momentum.  Shaking our heads in disbelief.

Report: City fires 3 'highly effective' airport PR employees

The personnel files of three Atlanta airport employees, who airport administrators just fired, describe the workers and their work in glowing terms. But the mayor's office will not say why they were suddenly fired, citing a policy of never commenting on personnel matters, reports Atlanta Business Chronicle broadcast partner WXIA-TV.

The three veteran professionals handled public relations for Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Fired, effective Sept. 28, are: John Kennedy, the airport's senior public relations manager; Al Snedeker and Katena Carvajales, the station reports. Requests for information regarding the airport are now going directly to the Mayor’s public relations people at City Hall, WXIA said.

The only hint in the files regarding why the city fired them is that maybe it had to do with some bad publicity that the city and the new International Terminal received in the news media when the terminal opened in May, the station said.

Kasim Reed Steps In ‘It’ Again. Lawsuit On Its Way

If you’ve never managed anything in your professional career, a lot of mistakes will be made. Kasim Reed has proven that point over and over again. Kasim Reed has made only what can be called another highly irresponsible move at the Atlanta Airport.

Despite glowing performance reviews and highly effective performance, Kasim Reed fired three veteran airport officials for political reasons. Now plaintiff’s lawyers are in a bidding war to represent the former airport officials.

Reed’s ham-fisted approach toward managing the city continues a storied march toward putting public dollars at risk. Only recently it was announced that another Reed action required the city to cough up more than $130,000 to the City’s former CFO (who he hired less than a year before he fired her) related to her wrongful termination.

While we’ve been laughing at Reed for months, now we’re beginning to shake our heads in disbelief. See The Story

Monday, September 10, 2012

Top Ten Signs It’s Time For Kasim Reed To Give Up Hope

Over the next few weeks, I will offer a running list of my TOP 10 REASONS why Kasim Reed should give up trying to be re-elected. If Reed faces A FORMIDABLE OPPONENT, each of my Top 10 Reasons will be central questions to Reed’s re-election.

Reason Number 10: “Atlanta Public Schools

Reed will try to run from this disaster but any viable candidate will place APS at his feet. As the largest cheating scandal in American history unfolded, Reed stood with Beverley Hall and IN OPPOSITION TO the board members who were challenging Hall's policies and strategies.

Reed publically defended Beverley Hall and POLITICALLY DESTROYED the board chairman who singlehandedly stood up to Hall.

Watch this speech and know that the “who” being discussed is a direct reference to Kasim Reed.  Reed will not be able to run from this. Watch This Video

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Kasim Reed’s Benevolence

Kasim Reed FELL ON HIS SWORD for Newark Mayor Cory Booker TWICE.

The Inner Sanctum of Kasim-land says Newark mayor Cory Booker got Kasim Reed’s spot on the podium at the DNC because New Jersey’s Chris Christie is a potential 2016 candidate. (Nah, I don’t understand either – but that’s what they’re saying). 

Well, Kasim’s good-will carried over through today because all across the Sunday Talk Shows front it was Cory Booker and no Kasim Reed.

They’re laughing at you, Kasim. More Background

Saturday, September 8, 2012

While Kasim Reed Lies City Council Acts

With pageantry and great fanfare, Kasim Reed proclaimed earlier this year that he (and I’ll use his exact words): 

Completely eradicated the backlog of more than 5,000 code violations in the city.

Completely eradicated?  Kasim, why say something that is so demonstrably dishonest?

Despite what Kasim Reed wants you to believe, you cannot drive for more than five minutes without seeing a dozen code violations. We’ve all just grown accustomed to the abandoned buildings, overgrowth, broken sidewalks, etc. Now city council feels compelled to act. To the link

You cannot make up this stuff… unless you’re Kasim Reed. 

They’re laughing at you…

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kasim Reed Has A Reelection Problem

For Kasim Reed, the 3 Rs means: “Ratings, Relationships and Reserves.”

1. Ratings = “High Poll Ratings”

2. Relationships = “National and local relationships with people who can get things done (a la Gov. Deal)

3. Reserves = “Money in the campaign coffers and in the city’s rainy day fund”

But, Kasim Reed has a reelection problem.  His approval “Ratings” continue to fall (recent survey of Atlanta voters found his approval well below 50%). He lost the “Relationship” fight in Charlotte this week. For the first time in 40 years, Atlanta’s CEO did not speak at the Democratic National Convention. 

He has raised a lot of money but it’s unclear whether that will be enough.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hey Kasim, People Are Paying Attention

I received the saddest FB message today.  The note (listed below) was both inspiring and distressing.  It read as follows:
“I was referred to your page from a friend, i just want you to know people support that you are getting the word out. They are just scared to support you in public. Don't stop.”
I have no intention of stopping. Please keep the notes coming.


Kasim Reed: "Chris Christie Did Me In."

The latest drivel out of the Inner Sanctum of Kasim-land is that because New Jersey’s Chris Christie is a potential 2016 candidate for president and is up for re-election in 2014, Cory Booker got Kasim Reed’s spot on the podium.  

In a case of RIDICULOUSLY sad crisis management, the argument goes like this: Reed gave up his speaking engagement so Booker could position himself as a potential opponent of Christie’s 2014 re-election bid. 

Who writes this stuff for Reed?
 (What’s funny, when you Google “Kasim Reed Cory Booker” a story pops up.  I think this story got it right and the Inner Sanctum of Kasim-land is spinning itself into oblivion.)
 In a simply pitiful attempt to make lemonade out of genuine lemons, Kasim is attempting to place himself in the same stratosphere as Booker and Christie.  Kasim wants you to believe he was not intentionally overlooked even though a Deputy Sheriff, a Superintendent of Public Instruction, a former State Controller as well as Philadelphia mayor Nutter, Boston mayor Menino and several other lower level elected officials took the podium on the same day as Mayor Corey Booker.

They’re laughing at you Kasim. To The Link

Monday, September 3, 2012

Kasim Reed Continues To Make History

The 2012 Democratic National Convention schedule of daily Events was released and Kasim Reed is STILL NOT SPEAKING AT THE CONVENTION.

For the first time in 40 years, Atlanta’s CEO will not speak at the Democratic National Convention. Mayors Franklin, Campbell, Young and Jackson all spoke at the conventions during their tenure. Kasim Reed is the first Mayor of Atlanta to be snubbed by his party.

Politico reported yesterday that “Democrats look to City Hall for their future.” The story starts with “If you want to find the next generation of Democratic leaders, look to city hall.”

According to Politico, if you are an up and coming mayor, you’re GUARANTEED AN OPPORTUNITY to speak at the Democratic National Convention UNLESSS:

1. Your voice is irrelevant
2. You’ve done or said something that angered or embarrassed President Obama
3. Federal charges of criminal acts are pending

Sunday, September 2, 2012

National Democratic Party Decides Against Kasim Reed

Tonight’s Politico reports, “Democrats look to City Hall for their future.” The story starts with “If you want to find the next generation of Democratic leaders, look to city hall.”

According to Politico, if you are an up and coming mayor, you’re GUARANTEED AN OPPORTUNITY to speak at the Democratic National Convention UNLESSS:

1. Your voice is irrelevant
2. You’ve done or said something that angered or embarrassed President Obama
3. Federal charges of criminal acts are pending

Kasim Reed is not speaking at the Democratic National Convention.  The Link

Hey Kaseem, Who Pays For Your Airfare, Hotel And Meals When You Travel?

Historically, when an Atlanta Mayor appears on a national platform, the city’s CEO is representing the City of Atlanta and bringing great visibility to the city.  

Many agree that the stature of the mayor’s office has fallen tremendously under Kasim Reed and citizens feel compelled to ask publicly about Kasim Reed’s travel expenses.  

The public has lost considerable respect due to the last three years of controversies, mismanagement, and rudderless stewardship from Reed.  

The days of ‘benefit of the doubt’ are long gone.  To The Link

Kasim Reed’s “DUI Bundler” problem Goes National

The Obama Campaign Bundlers who work for Kasim Reed are having a bad month (year). You know about Daniel Halpern and his misrepresentations at the Atlanta Airport. NOW, Kasim’s “Mayoral Stripper,” Stacii Jae, has been arrested for DUI, resisting arrest and a variety of other infractions. Jae was highlighted earlier this year staring in a “stripper” video.

The story was picked up on entertainment blog Tattle Talizz. The Link

Barb is Back

I’ve been a little off the mark on my Blog.  I’ve been spending a lot of time posting on my Face Book Page (please "Friend" me there if you’d like), I’ll try to keep the blog up to date, too.

Kasim Reed Makes History

For the first time in 40 years, Atlanta’s CEO will not speak at the Democratic National Convention. Mayors Franklin, Campbell, Young and Jackson all spoke at the conventions during their tenure. Kasim Reed is the first Mayor of Atlanta to be snubbed by his party.

When you are Democratic mayor of Atlanta, you’re GUARANTEED AN OPPORTUNITY to speak at the Democratic National Convention UNLESSS:

1. Your voice is irrelevant
2. You’ve done or said something that angered or embarrassed President Obama
3. Federal charges of criminal acts are pending

Kasim Reed Screws BeltLine, Again!

Hat’s off Maria Saporta's Saporta Report for bringing this mischief to light… Reed has changed the BeltLine by-laws to give his cronies COMPLETE CONTROL over the finances of the non-profit organization. As reported by Pendered, “Gone is the veil of independence that’s stated in the Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.’s initial articles of incorporation…” The Link

You Won’t Believe This New Development

State DOT top official ADMITS to giving Kasim Reed’s friends and campaign chairman an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in airport concessions procurement process. FAA DIRECTS THE OFFICIAL to reverse his actions but the DOT official refuses. In turn, GDOT reassigns the official.  

Let's Go To The Video

Kasim Reed Yells, “Damn The Torpedoes”

Grotesque Decision By Reed Administration … ADDITIONAL, lucrative contract goes Mayor’s friend. Reed thumbs FAA’s warning. Let's Go To The Video

Atlanta Neighborhoods Are Too Dangerous For Children To Walk To School

Recently I posted on Face Book that State Sen. Vincent Fort says, "Atlanta Neighborhoods Are Too Dangerous For Children To Walk To School." Watch this clip if you question the severity of the problem in Atlanta.

Kasim Reed Neglected To Tell You About The Personal/Financial Connection

You’ll want to share this with your friends.
Did you receive the most recent solicitation letter from Kasim Reed (link to latest development @ bottom)?  In the letter Reed references Tom Friedman’s column from Christmas 2010 (link @ bottom). Reed neglected to tell you about the personal/financial connection he has to Friedman. Worse, Friedman neglected to inform his readers that his wife owns considerable interest in a company called General Growth Properties. The same company Reed pushed on City Council (link @ bottom).

Reed pushed Atlanta city council to hire General Growth Properties. Under General Growth Properties, prices have soared and the vendors are now suing the city of Atlanta (link @ bottom).

Mr. Friedman’s wife (“Ann” - link @ bottom) is the daughter of Matthew Bucksbaum, former chairman of General Growth Properties. Although her father is no longer on the board the family, including Ann, owns a sizable amount of the company (link @ bottom).



Oh, my. Obama Bundlers who work for Kasim Reed are having a bad month (year). You know about Daniel Halpern and his misrepresentations at the Atlanta Airport. NOW, Kasim’s “Mayoral Stripper,” Stacii Jae, has been arrested for DUI, resisting arrest and a variety of other infractions. Jae was highlighted earlier this year staring in a “stripper” video.

Let's go to the video...